BBC to shift £700m of spending from London
The BBC is to shift £700m of spending outside London in a revamp of its UK footprint.
BBC to shift £700m of spending from London Read MoreREET Real Estate Experts | today
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The BBC is to shift £700m of spending outside London in a revamp of its UK footprint.
BBC to shift £700m of spending from London Read MoreFour pilots to improve the standard and quality of supported housing in England have been extended, backed by an additional £2.3 million.
Pilots to improve supported housing for vulnerable people extended Read MoreAccording to Metro Bank, the near-prime offering will enable borrowers with an imperfect credit history to purchase a new property, or remortgage an existing one, …
Metro Bank launches “near-prime” residential mortgages Read MoreMinisters hope that the secondary headquarters will bring greater economic prosperity to cities and towns across the UK, as well as serve to inject fresh …
Whitehall moves hundreds of officials from London Read MoreOnline mortgage broker and lender Habito is launching a long-term fixed rate mortgage with a maximum deal period of 40 years.
Habito launches 40-year fixed rate mortgage Read MoreEurope remains in full-fledged house price boom, despite the economic repercussions of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Europe’s great house price boom continues Read MoreShildon in County Durham has been identified as Britain’s most affordable town, with average house prices equating to around £6,000 more than a typical couple’s …
Britain’s most affordable towns for home buyers Read MoreBan on commercial evictions extended to 30 June and bailiff enforced eviction ban extended to 31 May to protect residential tenants.
Bans on commercial and bailiff enforced evictions extended Read MoreSearches for houses in the U.K. hit a record last week with the end of the third national lockdown in sight.
Rightmove: U.K. Property Searches Hit a Record As End of Lockdown Nears Read MoreA multibillion-pound fund to level-up opportunities is being extended so that people in every region and nation of the UK can benefit.
Levelling Up Fund to boost growth all over the UK Read MoreWe use cookies to personalize and enhance your experience on our site. By clicking "Accept" and continuing to use the site, you agree to the use of cookies as set out in our Privacy Policy and Cookie Policy. more information
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